Freddy Cabral
Freddy Cabral
My Statement
My Statement
As a grad student, I have had the opportunity to work as a teacher assistant in several undergraduate survey courses. These courses helped me improve as an educator and challenged me professionally. I experience obstacles along the field and am therefore in tune with the knowledge to help students. As a result, I have constructed the strategies to help students with their education and college experience. That is why I currently have a strong desire for any opportunity available to improve myself as an educator and professional.
As a grad student, I have had the opportunity to work as a teacher assistant in several undergraduate survey courses. These courses helped me improve as an educator and challenged me professionally. I experience obstacles along the field and am therefore in tune with the knowledge to help students. As a result, I have constructed the strategies to help students with their education and college experience. That is why I currently have a strong desire for any opportunity available to improve myself as an educator and professional.